Communication Process 7 Elements In Business With types

The communication process refers to the way messages are exchanged between people as well as how meanings and interpretations of those messages are made. It involves three stages: encoding, transmission and decoding. These three components work together to ensure that communication is clear and accurate.
An example would be during a telephone conversation: firstly someone has to encode their message into words, then send it in the form of sound through the telephone line to another person, who in turn decodes the words into meaning.
- Encoding/Textual Analysis*– this is when a person takes the idea they want to express and breaks it down into the smallest possible units- called ‘bits’. They then assign each bit with a particular sound or phoneme.
- Transmission- In communication theory, communication is seen as a process by which information is sent from a source to a receiver via a channel. Methods of transmitting information include speech, writing and gestures.
- Decoding/Sensory Analysis*– the receiver then takes those sounds and rearranges them into words that can be understood by both parties. Decoding is about creative interpretation as it requires the synthesis of the message sent and the context in which it was received to make sense.
“Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.” (Anne Morrow Lindbergh)
There is only one rule for being a good speaker and that is learning to listen carefully. In a family or any part of your life, any problem, big or small, always starts with a lack of communication but no one hears what others wants to say. To communicate effectively, we all need to recognize that we all see the world in different ways, and use this understanding as a guide for communicating with others. It is a simple process, but there are bound to be some complexities. But it is the basis for living and let to live, as well as being organized in life or any organization.
What is Communication?
Communication is derived from a Latin word meaning “to share.” Share information between different people. It is a function of giving, receiving and sharing information. Effective communication is little of what you know and greater of what you feel about what you want to know. In other words we can say that the transfer of information from one place to another or from one person to another.
The communication process is an integral part of communication as it ensures that communication is accurate and effective. Without the communication process, communication would be unsuccessful due to a lack of understanding between parties. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings which can cause conflict. It paly a vital Role in Business Management.
An example of where misunderstandings could occur would be in a chat group on Facebook, where the communication process may not be used. The communication process can also be described as a ‘choice making’ process because, in order to convey messages successfully, the sender must make choices about what to say and how they should say it.
The process is still evolving and isn’t always consistent so it can be affected by external factors such as body language, the context in which communication occurs and relationships. If autistic people are able to better understand the communication process they may find it easier to make friends. All types of Companies should have strong communication skills.
Importance of Communication:
Communication plays an important role in people’s lives. It helps you share information and knowledge and build relationships with others. Therefore, the importance of communication skills in our daily life should not be underestimated. The development of networks continued to introduce people to new and useful ideas and concepts. And therefore, it has become an integral part of our daily life. Communication now serves as a way to connect people to places. In various organizations, this is the key to managerial work. This guarantees that:
- Develop a cooperative attitude
- Encourage collaboration and understanding
- It is essential for speed and stamina
- Increasing unity and peace in the organization
- Help people become accustomed to physical and social activities
- Keep them encouraged
- It serves as a basis for making the right decision.
- It serves as a basis for reconciliation
Main purpose of Communication:
Communication arises from language changes and helps people express their feelings and ideas to others. The history of communication dates back to 3300 BC, when writing was first created and used in Iraq. Subsequently, it grew and developed, and in 900 BC. The Chinese government established the first postal system. In an organization, communication is an ongoing process of giving and receiving information and establishing social interactions. It is usually a process of interaction between people and their environment. Through this interaction, two or more people influence each other’s thoughts, beliefs and opinions. To develop a common vision, a good communication system is needed.
Communication has five main goals:
- To inform,
- To express feelings
- To imagine
- To influence
- To meet social expectations
7 Cs of Communication:
Communication is useful for people who work together. Only skills can be learned. It is as like cycling or riding, if you are willing to work at it, you can quickly improve the quality of all aspects of your life. The Seven Cs of Communication is a list of principles of writing and oral communication to ensure their effectiveness. The seven C’s are:
- Clarity
- Correctness
- Conciseness
- Courtesy
- Concreteness
- Consideration
- Completeness
Communication Process 8 Elements:
Communication begins with the person who submitted a comment and is the ongoing process by which the caller submits to the recipient via a channel or medium. Recipients provide feedback in the form of appropriate messages or signals over a specified period of time to continue the cycle of communication. To better understand the communication process, it can be broken down into eight main parts.
- Source
- Message
- Channel
- Receiver
- Feedback
- Environment
- Context
- Interference
The communication process starts from the sender. It is an entity that shares its thoughts through communication. The sender/source or communicator creates a message and then sends it to the recipient/receiver. Finally, by tracking audience response, the source determines how well the audience is receiving the message and responds with descriptive or additional information.
When you are talking to someone, your message may be the voice of your choice to convey the meaning. This is the real message. The message is formed after the sender decides what he wants to send and how he wants to speak. It is also known as encoding. Keep in mind that it is important for the listener or reader to understand the message in order to communicate effectively.
To better explain the communication process, we need to pay close attention to the environment, which is one of the main wheels of this circle. This is how the encoded message is sent. The message can be sent orally or in writing. Communication tools include telephone, Internet, mail, fax and email. The choice of media is determined by the sender.
Receivers are an important part of this process. The recipient collects the information presented or transmitted by the sender and begins to understand it. We switch between being a distributor and a receiver. The one you get when you watch a movie and the one you send when you tell your friends what the movie was like. The end of the chain and the sender is the person who sent his message
When the receiver confirms that the sender has received and understood the message, the communication process is complete. Communication does not stop even if thoughts and ideas are expressed, sentences and words are uttered. In time, it waves, like a stone thrown into a calm lake. Feedback is one of the final stages of communication.
Environment is basically the physical as well as the psychological atmosphere for sending and receiving messages. The choice of text is environmentally sensitive. As a speaker, your environment will influence your speech and play a role. Before the actual presentation, it is recommended to look at what you are talking about.
The context of a communication interaction includes the personal situations, perspectives, and expectations involved. Context is what people expect from each other, and we often generate those expectations from environmental considerations.
Interference is the blocking or modification of the meaning of a message intended by the sender. This refers to obstacles caused by senders, messages or recipients during the communication process. For example, poor telephone communication, sequence of errors, sequence of errors, and lack of attention of the recipient/receiver, misunderstanding of the message due to bias or inappropriate actions.
Major Principles of communication:
The communication is the art of language and is one of the most important skills that you require for a successful and organized life.
- Principle of Simplicity
- Principle of Attention
- Principle of Feedback
- Principle of Informality
- Principle of Uniformity
- Principle of Timeliness
- Principle of Capability
Types Of communication:
Your ticket to success can be communicated if you pay attention to it and learn to do it effectively. There are different types of information. The two main types of communication, which are verbal communication and non-verbal communication.
- Verbal communication
- Non-verbal communication
1. Verbal communication:
Verbal communication means to exchange information orally. It contains information that people can listen to on the radio, video, telephone, talk, and interview. It is a common language and combines not only the spoken language and words, but also the pronunciation, tone and paces of the spoken word and the official language to us the unplanned language. In Verbal communication information is communicated in businesses over the phone or in person.
2. Non- verbal communication:
Non-verbal communication occurs through eye contact, posture, gestures, facial expressions, chronology, and tactile sensations. For example, tone of voice can indicate emotion and emotional state, and hand signals and gestures can be added to voice messages. In addition to improving sound imagery and language, non-verbal symbols can also be used separately. Just as spectators are proud of his victory as members of the winning sports team put their hands up, remove the best players from their shoulders, chew each other and run across the field.
Communication barriers:
Communication skills are an important leadership function and a key feature of a good personality. In addition to physical and technical barriers in communication, there are a number of barriers to effective communication that everyone should strive to overcome.
- Lack of eye contact
- Not being prepared, lack of credibility
- Physical and physiological barriers
- Lack of Transparency & Trust
- Information overload and lack of focus
- Perceptual barriers
- Interpersonal barriers
- Organizational Structure Barriers
- Attitude Barriers
- Obstinacy
- Allegiances etc.
Finally, communication is the key to personal and career success. Being a connection between individuals, it serves as one of the most important skills we need for a successful life. It should be remembered that the words do not speak themselves, but the speaker does. A better understanding of communication and how it works is the first step in improving your communication skills.
Successful Business management always focuses on it that how they are delivering from top to bottom and bottom to top.