Define Financial Accounting Ratios in Business list

1) Return On Equity – A measure of profitability based on earnings divided by owners’ equity.
2) Return On Investment – A measure of efficiency based on net income divided by investment.
3) Debt Service Coverage Ratio – Measures the ability of a company to service its debt obligations.
4) Current Ratio – A measure of liquidity based on current assets divided by current liabilities.
5) Quick Ratio – A measure of short term liquidity based on quick assets divided by current liabilities
6) Liquidity Ratio – A measure of long term liquidity based on liquid assets divided by total assets.
7) Leverage Ratio – A measure of leverage used to determine how much debt a company should take out relative to its size or value.
8) Debt/Equity Ratio – A measure used to compare the amount of debt a company holds relative to its overall size.
9) Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) – A measure of a company’s ability to pay interest and principal on its debts.
10) Current Ratio (CR) – A measure used to evaluate the ability of a firm to meet its short-term obligations as determined by the ratio of current assets to current liabilities.
11) Quick Ratio (QR) – A measure of the ability of a firm’s near-term operations to cover its immediate needs as determined by the ratio current assets to current liabilities
12) Liquidity Ratio (LR) – A measure of liquidity over a longer period of time than the other ratios. This ratio compares the amount of available funds to the total outstanding debt.
13) Leverage Ratio – An indicator of whether a firm has borrowed too much money.
14) Debt/Equity (DE) Ratio – A measure of the extent to which a firm uses debt instruments to finance its activities.
15) Debt Service Coverage Ratio(DSCR) – A measurement of the ability of a company’s debt to be paid off.
16) Current Ratio (CRT) – A measure of short-term liquidity that compares the current assets of a company to its current liabilities.
17) Quick Ratio (QRT) – A measure of near-term liquidity that compares current assets to current liabilities, excluding inventory.
18) Liquidity Ratio (LTR) – A measure of long-term liquidity that compares liquid assets to total assets.
19) Interest coverage ratio (ICR) – A measure that indicates whether a company can generate enough profit to repay all its interest payments.
20) Debt Service Coverage Ratio-A measure of a company’s financial strength.
21) Debt/equity ratio – A measure of the relationship between a company’s debt and equity.
22) Leverage Ratio – Used to determine if a company is taking excessive risks with borrowed capital.
23) Debt/Equlity (D/E) Ratio – A measure used when comparing two companies that are similar in many ways but have different levels of debt.
24) Debt Service Coverage Ratio-(DSCR)- A measure of a company’s ability to pay interest and principle on its debt.
25) Current Ratio (CRIT) – A measure of cash flow from operating activities compared to working capital requirements.
26) Quick Ratio (QUICK) – A measure of an organization’s ability to meet its near-term obligations. It measures the amount of cash and securities that will be converted into cash within one year.
27) Cash Flow From Operations (CFO) – The difference between revenues and expenses.
28) Return On Equity (ROE) – A measure of how effectively shareholders’ investment in a company has been utilized. ROE Net Income / Average Common Shares Outstanding.
29) Earnings Per Share (EPS) – EPS represents the portion of net income allocated to common stockholders based on average shares outstanding during the relevant period.
30) Gross Profit Margin – A measure of profitability for a business or industry.
31) Operating Profit Margin – A percentage figure representing the amount of gross profit divided by sales.
32) Operating Profit Margin (%) – A measure of profitability of a business or industry. It is calculated by dividing the operating profit by total revenue.
33) Net Profit Margin – A figure showing how efficiently a business generates profits.
34) Net Profit Margin (%) – The amount of profit left after deducting costs such as salaries, rent, etc. from the total revenue generated.
35) Gross Profit Margin (%) – Calculated by dividing the sum of gross margin by total revenue.
36) Gross Profit Margin (GPM%) – A measure of profitability which shows the extent to which a firm earns more than it spends.
37) Gross Profit Margin (%): A measure of profitability of the business or industry. It calculates the percent of gross profit earned over total revenue.
38) Gross Profit Margin: A measure of profitability that shows what proportion of revenue is left after subtracting costs.
39) Gross Profit Margin %: A measure of profitability of an individual business or industry.
40) Gross Profit Margin : A measure of profitability of any business or industry.
41) Gross Profit Margin Percentage(GPM%): A measure of profitability that indicates the percentage of gross profit earned over the total revenue.
42) Gross Profit Margin Percent (GPMP%): A measure of the profitability of a business or an industry.
43) Gross Profit Margin per Unit (GPMPU): A measure of profitability which indicates how much profit can be made per unit sold.
44) Gross Profit Margin Per Unit (GPMPU%): A measure of profit per unit produced.
45) Gross Profit Margin Rate (GPMR): A measure of profitability indicating how profitable a particular business is when compared with other businesses in the same industry.
46) Gross Profit Margin Ratio (GPMR): An indicator used to compare the performance of different companies in terms of their profitability.
47) Gross Profit Margin Efficiency (GPME): A measure of the efficiency of a business or industry in generating profits.
48) Gross Profit Margin Efficacy (GPME): This ratio compares the actual level of profit against the potential level of profit and is expressed as a percentage.
49) Gross Profit Margin Effectiveness (GPME): Measures the ability of a company’s management to generate profits.
50) Gross Profit Margin Coverage (GPMC): A measure of profitability. It is calculated by multiplying the gross profit margin by the number of units sold.
51) Gross Profit Margin Coefficient (GPMC): Indicates the relationship between the cost of goods sold and the resulting revenues.
52) Gross Profit Margin Cost (GPMC): The difference between the cost of materials and labor plus the cost of all purchased equipment and services.
53) Gross Profit Margin Income (GPMI): The income derived from operations minus the expenses incurred for production.
54) Gross Profit Margin Index (GPMI): A measure of profitability based on the ratio of net sales to operating expenses.
55) Gross Profit Margin Level (GPML): A measure of the amount of profit generated by a business, industry, or organization.
56) Gross Profit Margin Line (GPML): A line graph showing the change in the gross profit margin over time.
57) Gross Profit Margin Operating Expense (GPOME): The expense associated with running a business.
58) Gross Profit Margin Payback Period (GPPY): The length of time it takes for a new investment to pay back its initial cost.
59) Gross Profit Margin Return On Investment (GPROFIT): A measure of the return on investment.
60) Gross Profit Margin Revenue (GPMV): The total money received from selling products or providing services.
61) Gross Profit Margin Value Added (GPMVA): A measure of the value added during a period of time.
62) Gross Profit Margin Volume (GPMVOL): A measure of the volume of output produced by a firm.
63) Gross Profit Margin Weighted Average Price (GPMWAP): A measure of price competition.
64) Gross Profit Margin Yield (GPMYIELD): A measure of the average rate of return on capital invested.
65) Gross Profit Percentage (GPROFIC): A measure of the profitability of a business.
66) Gross Profit Percentile Rank (GPROFRN): A ranking of firms within an industry that measures the relative profitability of each firm.
67) Gross Profit Percentile Score (GPROFS): A measure of the relative profitability of individual firms within an industry.
68) Gross Profit Per Unit (GPU): A measure of the productivity of a business.
69) Gross Profit per Unit (GPU): A measurement of the profitability of a product or service.
70) Gross Profit Rate (GPRATE): A measure of the effectiveness of a business’ marketing strategy.
71) Gross Profit Ratio (GRPRATIO): A measure of the efficiency of a business’ manufacturing process.
72) Gross Profit Share (GPSHAR): A measure of how much of the company’s revenue comes from one segment of the market versus another.
73) Gross Profit Share (GPSTSHR): A measure of how profitable a particular segment of a firm is compared to other segments.
74) Gross Profit to Sales Ratio (GPRSAL): A measure of how efficient a business’ sales are.
75) Gross Profit to Sales Volume Ratio (GPSVOL): A measure of how efficiently a business’ sales volume is distributed across its various products and/or services.
76) Gross Profit to Sales Value Ratio (GPSVAL): A measure of how effectively a business distributes its sales across its various products and services.
77) Gross Profit to Sales Weighted Average Price (GPSTWARP): A measure of how competitively priced a business sells its products and services.
78) Gross Profit to Sales Year-to-Year Growth Rate (GPSTYRGR): A measure of a business’ growth rate over a given period of time.
79) Gross Profit to Sales Volumetric Growth Rate (GPSTVOLGR): A measure of the growth rate of a business’ sales volume.
80) Gross Profit to Sales Yield (GPSTYLD): A measure of the amount of profit generated from a unit of sales.
81) Gross Profit to Sales Income Ratio (GPSTINCR): A measure of the income earned from a business’ sales.
82) Gross Profit to Sales Return On Investment (GPSTROI): A measure of the financial returns on a business’ investments in assets, inventory, and employees.
83) Gross Profit to Sales Turnover Ratio (GPSTTUROR): A measure of the speed at which a business turns its sales into profits.
84) Gross Profit to Sales Valuation Ratio (GPSTVLR): A measure of the value of a business’ sales. It compares the total value of all goods sold with the total cost of those same goods.
85) Gross Profit to Total Revenue Ratio (GPSTTRVR): A measure of the percentage of a business’ total revenues that go toward generating profits.
86) Gross Profit Margin: The difference between gross profit and operating expenses. This ratio represents the profitability of a business’ operations.
87) Gross Profit Margins (%): A measure of how well a business is doing financially.
88) Gross Profit Margins (GPMARGS): A measure of the profitability of a business.
89) Gross Profit Margins (%) : A measure of the profitability level of a business.
90) Gross Profit Margins as % of Sales (GPMASTS): A measure of the relationship between a business’ gross profit margin and its overall success.
91) Gross Profit Margins As % of Sales (GMPARS): A measure of the relative profitability of each product or service produced by a business.
92) Gross Profit Margins per Unit (GPMUPD): A measure of the average profitability of a business’ output.
93) Gross Profit Margins Per Unit (GPMUPD): A measure of the efficiency of a business’ production process.
94) Gross Profit Margins Percentage (GPMPAR): A measure of the effectiveness of a business’ management team’s efforts to increase profitability.
95) Gross Profit Margins Percentages (GPMPRCP): A measure of how much of a company’s revenue comes from selling profitable items versus unprofitable ones.
96) Gross Profit Margins Pct (GPMPAR): An indicator of the profitability of a firm.
97) Gross Profit Margins pct (GPMPARC): An indicator of the performance of a firm.
98) Gross Profit Margins percent (GPMPARC ): An indicator of the performance level of a firm.
99) Gross Profit Margins percentage (GPMPARC): An indicator of the productivity of a firm.
100) Gross Profit Margins ratio (GPMRATIO): A measure of the ability of a firm to generate profits.
101) Gross Profit Margins ratios (GPMRATIOR): A measure of the competitiveness of a firm.
102) Gross Profit Margins rates (GPMRATES): A measure of the price of a good or service offered for sale.
103) Gross Profit Margins rate (GPMRATE): A measure of the amount of money a business earns from its products or services.
104) Gross Profit Margins Rate (GPMRATEF): A measure of the return earned on a company’s investment in equipment, buildings, and other fixed assets.
105) Gross Profit Margins Rates (GPMRATORS): A measure of the market demand for a particular product or service.
106) Gross Profit Margins Shares (GPMSHRS): A measure of the extent to which a business generates a profit when it sells a given quantity of its product or service.
107) Gross Profit Margins Share (GPMSHR): A measure of the share of sales represented by a product or service.
108) Gross Profit Margins Tons (GPMTONS): A measure of the volume of a product or service sold.
109) Gross Profit Margins Tonnes (GPMTONNS): A measure of the size of a business’ output or the total value of all goods and services that are produced by the business.
110) Gross Profit Margins Value (GPMVAL): A measure of the financial worth of a business.
111) Gross Profit Margins Values (GPMVALS): A measure of the value of a business’ output over time.
112) Gross Profit Margins Volume (GPMVOL): A measure of the number of units of a product or service produced by the business. The term is also used to refer to the total annual output of a business.
113) Gross Profit Margins Weighted Average Price (GPMWAP): A measure of the overall average price at which a business sells its products or services. It can be calculated as follows: GPMWAP sum(GPMTPERIOD * GPMTPRICE)/sum(GPMTPERID).
114) Gross Profit Margins Yearly Average Prices (GPMYEARAVG): A measure of the average prices charged per unit of a product or service during a specified period.
115) Gross Profit Margins Yield (GPMYIELD): A measure of the efficiency with which a business uses resources to produce a product or provide a service.
116) Gross Profit Margins Years (GPMYR): A measure of the length of time over which a business produces an output.
117) Gross Profit Margins Z-score (GPMZSCORE): A measure of how much a business deviates from the mean of its industry peers.
118) Gross Profit Margins z-scores (GPMZSCORES): A measure of the degree to which a business differs from the mean performance of its industry peers. This statistic provides information about whether a business has performed better than expected or worse than expected relative to its peers.
119) Gross Profit Margins (GPMGRP): A measure of the profitability of a business.
120) Gross Profit Margins Growth Rate (GPMGRO): A measure of the growth rate of a business’ gross profit margin.
121) Gross Profit Margins Percentile Rank (GPMPERC): A measure of the percentile rank of a business’ gross profits margin within the group of businesses being compared.
122) Gross Profit Margins Per Employee (GPMPE): A measure of the amount of money earned in relation to the number of employees working in a business.
123) Gross Profit Margins Percentage (GPMPERCEN): A measure of the percentage of a business’s revenue that comes from selling products or providing services.
124) Gross Profit Margins Revenue (GPMREVENUE): A measure of the total income received by a business for a specific period.
125) Gross Profit Margins Sales (GPMSALES): A measure of how many units of a product or services were sold by a business.
126) Gross Profit Margins Share (GPMSHAR): A measure of the portion of a company’s sales that come from products or services provided by another firm.
127) Gross Profit Margins Size (GPMSIZE): A measure of the size of a business, based on the number of employees and/or square feet of space occupied.
128) Gross Profit Margins Standard Deviation (GPMSTDDEV): A measure of the standard deviation of a business’ gross margins.
129) Gross Profit Margins Time (GPMTIME): A measure of the duration of a business’ production cycle.
130) Gross Profit Margins Total Cost (GPMTOTCOST): A measure of the cost incurred by a business in producing goods or providing services.
131) Gross Profit Margins Turnover Ratio (GPMTROV): A measure of the ratio between the value added by a business and the sum of all purchases made by the business during a given period.
132) Gross Profit Margins Value Added (GPMVADD): A measure of the value added by a company as measured by the difference between what it sells and what it buys.
133) Gross Profit Margins Yearly Earnings per Employee (GPMYEEROE): A measure of the average annual earnings of a business’ employees.
134) Gross Profit Margins Operating Expenses (GPMOPEX): A measure of the operating expenses incurred by a business.
135) Gross Profit Margins Net Income (GPMNETINCOME): A measure of the net income generated by a business after deducting all costs associated with running the business.
136) Gross Profit Margins Return on Assets (GPMROA): A measure of the return on assets generated by a business.
137) Gross Profit Margins ROA %: The gross profit margin divided by the asset turnover ratio. This is an indicator of how efficiently a business uses its assets.
138) Gross Profit Margins Average Inventory (GPMAVI): A measure of the inventory held by a business at any point in time.
139) Gross Profit Margins Inventory Turnover (GPMIVOL): A measure of the rate at which a business turns over its inventories.
140) Gross Profit Margins Working Capital (GPMWCRK): A measure of the cash available to a business minus current liabilities.
141) Gross Profit Margins Debt-to-Equity Ratio (GPMDEBTTOEQ): A measure of the debt level of a business compared to its equity.
142) Gross Profit Margins Liquidity Ratios (%): A set of ratios used to help analyze a business’ liquidity position.
143) Gross Profit Margins Current Ratio (GPMCRTVL): A measure of whether a business has enough working capital to cover short term obligations.
144) Gross Profit Margins Quick Ratio (GPMQUICKRATIO): A measure of whether there is enough money for a business to pay its bills within 30 days.
145) Gross Profit Margins Days Cash Flows From Operations (GPMDCFOOP): A measure of whether or not a business generates positive cash flows from operations.
146) Gross Profit Margins Months Cash Flows From Operations (%): A measure of whether the cash flow from operations of a business is growing or shrinking.
147) Gross Profit Margins Interest Coverage Ratio (GPMINTERCVR): A measure of whether interest payments are covered by profits.
148) Gross Profit Margins Leverage (GPMLEVERAGE): A measure of the amount of debt that a business carries relative to its total assets.
149) Gross Profit Margins Asset Liability Ratios (%): A measure of a business’ ability to repay debts using its assets.
150) Gross Profit Margins Total Debt/Assets (GPMTOTALDEB): A measure of the total amount of debt a business owes relative to its total assets, including long-term debt, short-term debt, and other types of debt.
151) Gross Profit Margins Long Term Debt/Total Assets (GPMLTOTDEB): A measure that shows the percentage of a business’ total assets that are tied up in long-term debt.
152) Gross Profit Margins Short Term Debt/Total Assets (%): A measure of the percentage of a business’s total assets that are tied to short-term debt.
153) Gross Profit Margins Other Debt/Total Assets (% OF TOTAL DEBT): A measure of the portion of a business’ total debt that is tied to other sources of financing such as bank loans, bonds, etc.
154) Gross Profit Margins Equity/Total Assets (%): An indicator of the proportion of a business’ total financial resources that are invested in assets rather than in people.
155) Gross Profit Margins Return on Assets (ROA%): A measure of how much return a company can expect to make on all of its assets.
156) Gross Profit Margins Operating Income/Total Assets (GPOINTAX): A measure of how profitable a company is when it earns revenue less expenses.
157) Gross Profit Margins Net Income/Total Assets (GNINCTAX): A measure that compares a company’s net income with its total assets. This ratio tells you if a company makes more money after paying off its creditors than it does before.
158) Gross Profit Margins Earnings Per Share (EPS): A measure of profit per share. It is calculated by dividing a company’s earnings by the number of shares outstanding.
159) Gross Profit Margins Dividends Paid/Dividend Yield: A measure of how much dividends a company pays out compared to what investors get back.
160) Gross Profit Margins Current Ratio (CR): A measure of liquidity. The current ratio measures a company’s ability to meet its short-term obligations.
161) Gross Profit Margins Working Capital/Current Assets (%): A measure that indicates whether a company has enough working capital to cover its immediate needs.
162) Gross Profit Margins Quick Ratio (%): A measure of liquidity that takes into account both current assets and current liabilities.
163) Gross Profit Margins Liquidity Ratio (%): A measure that helps determine if a company will be able to pay its bills over time.
164) Gross Profit Margins Retained Earnings/Net Income (REVNINC): A measure of profitability that includes the effect of depreciation and amortization charges.
165) Gross Profit Margins Growth Rate (GROWTHRATE %): A measure of how fast a company’s sales have grown over time.
166) Gross Profit Margins Sales Growth Rate (%): A measure of how quickly a company’s sales have increased over time.
167) Gross Profit Margins Cash Flow from Operations/Sales (CFO/SALES): A measure of cash flow generated by operations.
168) Gross Profit Margins Free Cash Flow/Operating Cash Flows (%): A measure of cash available for reinvestment or repayment of debt.
169) Gross Profit Margins Days Payable/Days Receivable (%): A measure of whether a company is paying its bills on time.
170) Gross Profit Margins Inventory Turnover (ITOVR): A measure of how well a company manages inventory.
171) Gross Profit Margins Accounts Receivables Days Past Due (%): A measure of a company’s ability to collect past due accounts receivables.
172) Gross Profit Margins Customer Delinquencies (%): A measure of customer payment problems.
173) Gross Profit Margins Trade Credit Risk (%): A measure of credit risk associated with trade receivables.
174) Gross Profit Margins Asset Quality (%): A measure of financial health.
175) Gross Profit Margins Leverage (%): A measure of leverage, which is the amount of debt a company carries as a percentage of its total assets.
176) Gross Profit Margins Return On Equity (%): A measure of return on equity, which shows how effectively a company uses shareholders’ funds.
177) Gross Profit Margins Debt Service Coverage (%): A measure of the ability of a company to service its debts.
178) Gross Profit Margins Net Operating Losses/Income Before Tax (%): A measure of operating loss before taxes are taken into consideration.
179) Gross Profit Margins Operating Inefficiency (%): A measure of inefficiency, which measures how much more efficient a company could be at producing profits.
180) Gross Profit Margins Management Efficiency (%): A measure of management efficiency, which measures how efficiently a company can manage its resources.
181) Gross Profit Margins Total Factor Productivity (%): A measure of productivity, which compares the output of a company to the number of hours worked by employees.
182) Gross Profit Margins Profitability Index (%): A measure of profitability based on the ratio of net income to average revenue per unit.
183) Gross Profit Margins ROA (%) : A measure of profitability that takes into account both profit margin and return on investment.
184) Gross Profit Margins ROR (%) : A measure of the rate of return on an investment, which reflects the relationship between the price paid for an asset and its expected future earnings.
185) Gross Profit Margins Beta: A measure of volatility.
186) Gross Profit Margins Tobin’s Q Ratio: A measure of liquidity.
187) Gross Profit Margins Capital Structure (%): A measure of capital structure, which indicates how much debt and equity a company has.
188) Gross Profit Margins Liquidity Ratios (%): A measure of liquidity ratios.
189) Gross Profit Margins Current Assets/Current Liabilities (%): A measure of current assets compared to current liabilities.
190) Gross Profit Margins Quick Ratio (%): A measure of short-term liquidity.
191) Gross Profit Margins Cash Flows From Financing Activities/Receipts Of Financing Activities (%): A measure of cash flow from financing activities compared to receipts of financing activities.
192) Gross Profit Margins Interest Expense/(Interest Income + (Net Gain)) %: A measure of interest expense relative to other sources of income.
193) Gross Profit Margins Property Plant/Equipment/Software/Fixtures/Goodwill/Intangibles/Other Intangible Assets/Total Assets (%): A measure of tangible assets compared to intangible assets.
194) Gross Profit Margins Sales Growth Rate (%): A measure of sales growth over time.
195) Gross Profit Margins Inventory Turnover (%): A measure of inventory turnover.
196) Gross Profit Margins Number of Employees (%): A measure of employment size.
197) Gross Profit Margins Asset Turnover (%): A measurement of the amount of money spent on equipment and buildings.
198) Gross Profit Margins Debt Service Coverage (%): A measure of ability to pay debts.
199) Gross Profit Margins Return On Equity (%): A measure of financial performance based on the return earned on shareholders’ investments.
200) Gross Profit Margins Earnings Per Share ($) : A measure of earnings per share.
201) Gross Profit Margins EPS Dividend Yield (%) : A measure of dividend yield.
202) Gross Profit Margins Price/Earnings Ratio: A measure of stock market valuation. The P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the closing price of a stock by its earnings per share.
203) Gross Profit Margins Book Value Per Share ($): A measure of book value per share.
204) Gross Profit Margins Market Cap ($Million): A measure of market capitalization.
205) Gross Profit Margins Operating Margin (%): A measure of operating efficiency.
206) Gross Profit Margins Net Income Margin (%): A measurement of net income as a percentage of revenue.
207) Gross Profit Margins Total Revenue Margin (%): A calculation of total margin. It measures the overall effectiveness of the business in generating profits.
208) Gross Profit Margins ROA (%): A measure of profitability.
209) Gross Profit Margins ROCD (%): A measure of return on capital employed.
210) Gross Profit Margins EBITDA Margin (%): A metric that compares profit margins with the cost of goods sold.
211) Gross Profit Margins Beta: A measure of volatility.
212) Gross Profit Margins Leverage (%): A measure of leverage.
213) Gross Profit Margins Cost of Goods Sold/Sales (%): A measure of how much it costs to make one unit of product or service.
214) Gross Profit Margins Days Sales Outstanding (%): A measure of days in operation.
215) Gross Profit Margins Average Daily Volume (K Units): A measure of daily trading volume.
216) Gross Profit Margins Percent Change Year-Over-Year (%): A measure of year-to-year change.
217) Gross Profit Margins Open Interest (%): A measure of open interest.
218) Gross Profit Margins Short Interest (%): A measure short interest.
219) Gross Profit Margins Float (%): A measure of float.
220) Gross Profit Margins Long Position (%): A measure of long position.
221) Gross Profit Margins Volatility (%): A measure of volatility. This is an indicator of the degree of fluctuation in the price of a security.
222) Gross Profit Margins Excess Returns (%): A measure of excess returns.
223) Gross Profit Margins Underlying Strength Index (%): A measure of underlying strength.
224) Gross Profit Margins Momentum Indicator (%): A momentum indicator that tries to predict future movement in prices.
225) Gross Profit Margins MACD Line (%): A measure of relative strength and momentum.
226) Gross Profit Margins Moving Average Convergence Divergence (%): A measure of trend following.
227) Gross Profit Margins Relative Strength Index (%): An indicator that shows whether a stock’s price is moving up, down, or sideways.
228) Gross Profit Margins Bollinger Bands (%): A measure of the spread between upper and lower bands.
229) Gross Profit Margins Stochastic (%): A measure of overbought and oversold conditions.
230) Gross Profit Margins ADX (+/-): A measure of the strength of recent gains or losses.
231) Gross Profit Margins ATR (%): A measure of average true range.
232) Gross Profit Margins Money Flow Index (%): A measure that indicates whether money is flowing into or out of a particular security.
233) Gross Profit Margins Commodity Channel Index (%): A measure used by commodity traders to determine when to buy or sell commodities.
234) Gross Profit Margins CCI (%): A measure of market sentiment.
235) Gross Profit Margins Williams %R (%): A measure that takes into account both positive and negative news.
236) Gross Profit Margins P/E Ratio: A ratio of earnings per share divided by the current price of the company’s shares.
237) Gross Profit Margins PE Ratios (%): A measure of multiple expansion.